Monday, November 19, 2012

What can happen in 40+ days?

Wow!  A lot has happened here on the farm since I last posted.  So many memories have been made and so much has been learned.  Where do I begin?

Since everyone seems to be in the "thankful" mode, I will start by saying how thankful I am that God moved our family to this beautiful area of our country.  I cannot describe the beauty of the colors.  Everyday, there is a new master piece to view.   Fall has always been my favorite season.  Ironically, we have only lived in one location for a short time to enjoy the temperatures and the awesome color transformations this season offers.

Loving the"Changing of the Colors"
What's more fun than a pile of leaves ?!
Our Angel!
We made these from the leaves in our yard.
As most of our friends know, we are avid outdoor people and hunting season is in full swing.  We are so blessed to be able to walk out our door and be on a stand in 5-10 minutes.  Bow season has been open for a while, however, our family has never really been big bow hunters.  We purchased a cross bow a couple of years ago and have harvested a few deer with it back in TX.   When we moved here, a friend  gave our son a compound bow.  It seems he has a natural ability and is pretty darn good with it.  We have an archery shop just up the road from our farm and one of the owners has taken him under his wing and is giving some lessons to tweak his shots.  Hopefully, he will be shooting in competitions soon.

This past Saturday, gun season opened.  Game on baby!  Now this is familiar territory. A hard day of hunting paid off on opening day.  Finally, in the afternoon, this spike was harvested.  Fortunately for us, we don't eat the horns anyway and it is meat for our freezer.  We plan to make Bulgogi Jerky and roasts from this guy.
Thank you for our first harvest of the season! 
Great father/son memories
Let the processing begin.
Carefully carving the meat.
Call us crazy, but it is so fun and maybe somewhat addicting, appreciating and learning to live off the land.  In the short time we have been on the farm, we have successfully grown a great garden, raised and harvested our own chickens, put venison in our freezer, hunted squirrels and made some "to die for" squirrel dumplings.  Hmmm, what might be next?  Need to check the hunting season rule book first, but just maybe there will be some turkey and goose meat in our future.  And NO!!  Our Mr. Gobble Gobble is safe!
Thank you son for the squirrels.
One of my favorite little sous chefs
Freshly rolled out dumplings
Squirrel dumplings! - Smells delicious!
We do have some new, fine feathered friends living on the farm, thanks to Momma Bess.  She is such a great momma!  I can't image having octuplets to care for.  Of course, she has a great Nanny to help her, Chicken Girl!  Lol!
Sweet Momma Bess
She is so excited we have a little Naked Neck! 
Momma and her babies
About 5 weeks old and starting to explore
Chicken Girl in her Nanny roll! Lol!
Yes, life is good here on the farm.  Living, looking, and experiencing everyday all of these wonderful things our God has created for us makes my heart sing!

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I will say Happy Thanksgiving to all our family, friends, and other readers who happen to come across this blog.  Take time to give an extra BIG bear hugs to those you love, give an unexpected gift to someone, stop and smell the wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen, compliment a stranger, tell the cashier on Black Friday thank you for coming to work so early.  I promise you, if you do any or all of these things, it will make your heart sing too!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!